zaterdag 1 mei 2010

Japan day 2

After some sleep we where gonna explore Tokyo. Now I can say for sure, if you ever plan to visit Japan be prepared to walk a LOT!!!

I still don`t know how I survived but here I am writing this message. We went all over the place. We started at the imperial gardens and oh my god I thought the French had garden skills but this just amazing. Getting around in Tokyo is easy, every 3 minutes a metro stops and like in Holland you can buy a pass that you can charge with a x amount of money.

Well enough blabbering from me.... i`m too tired to think straight let alone work with this Japanese OS and keyboard.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. First! Ziet er fantastisch uit.

    Grappig dat je je eigen gebouw hebt ^^

    Have fun, Kampai


  2. hoi neefje/kersverse oom van Roos!
    super dat je in Japan bent!!! mooie foto's ook.
    Veel plezier, Maaike.

  3. Dankje Maaike, ik geniet hier vollop!!
