dinsdag 11 mei 2010

Japan day 11

Still in Kyoto with average weather but that was expected (weather report predicted rain). Today I took a bus ride with two companions to the famous golden temple. The bus ride from Kyoto station lasted an hour and was for 90% of the trip in a straight line. The temple was beautiful but I expected a bit more, but then it happened!!! communication with the local natives errr Japanese. A group of schoolchildren around the age of 15 wanted to ask me some questions in English. Do note that the Japanese speak almost no English part from 10 words or so. Also women speak English way better then man plus they are cute so a win win situation for me ;D. First question: Excuse me can I ask you a question; I said sure
Second question: Do you speak English; Here I replied NO with a big smile and that seemed to break the tension. Before I knew it I was surrounded by schoolchildren like hyenas surrounding their prey. Of course in a polite Japanese way. So they kept asking me questions from their schoolbook and at the end they wanted my signature as proof for fulfilling their objective. Second stage: pictures. My companion offered to take some pictures... In Japan this means you have to make a picture for everyone with their own camera. I think this has to do with treating people equal for example when you leave a shop the shop-clerk thanks every single person when leaving. So there she was taking like 6 pictures.

Second stage: I walked a bit further nothing special to see part from the Golden Temple, until the other half of the class spotted me and the process described above repeated, don`t get me wrong I was enjoying myself. This time the teacher was also present and the funny part was he needed to ask his students for help with his English. Since that did not work out he changed into a super paparazzi and started to takes photos of us in every angle one can imagine.

On my way back I decided to visit a local Go-cafe, Go is a board game like chess. For those planning to do this trip its near the Kyoto station (walking distance that don`t require holes in your socks). The place was awesome not as fancy as in Hikaru no Go (anime), but the place was packed with Go-bans. I ended up destroying the master three times in a row and then a other Japanese player who was fairly strong.

For dinner this time we went to Kyoto station where we tasted the famous roller coaster sushi, you know the one where they make the Sushi in front of you and puts the plates on a transportation band... It was delicious.

Well enough spamming from me look at the piczzzz

2 opmerkingen:

  1. wha... you found the go club there? Where where was it?!!??!?!
    Maybe I'll visit it this summer then! =D

  2. Hoi Plunder, hopelijk werkt deze link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=ja&geocode=&q=kyoto+station&sll=34.980502,135.911865&sspn=2.25033,5.273438&ie=UTF8&hq=kyoto+station&hnear=&ll=34.98818,135.757651&spn=0,0.000644&t=h&z=21&layer=c&cbll=34.98818,135.757651&panoid=yx3WFtZQypar0TCmJTbgvA&cbp=12,234.22,,0,13.25

    De Gocafe heet Miako
